Aquí hay un guión de Powerhell que escribí, permite buscar un nombre de carpeta o listar el árbol de carpetas completo. Uso :
sin parámetro mostrará todas las carpetas
└_Licences, codes etc.
└2 Clic
└Axter Ltd
si pasas un parámetro buscará el nombre de la carpeta que contiene ese término y dará la ruta
PS>.\get-MailboxFolders.ps1 201
The term *201* was found in :
puedes buscar una cuenta específica usando el parámetro de buzón
PS>.\get-MailboxFolders.ps1 -mailbox "infor"
Account selected = ENT, Service Informatique
└Boîte de réception
aquí está el script:
search outlook folders or display the folders tree
This script uses the outlook COM object.
.Parameter folder
Part of the folder's name to search for. If this parameter is not set the script will output
the complete folders tree
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
function Get-MailboxFolder($folder,$prefix, $search=$null, $firstrun=$false){
if(($search -ne $null) -and ($ -match $search)) {
$script:find+=$folder.folderpath # if foldername match search term add it to the result
if($firstrun -eq $true){$script:output=$script:output+"$prefix$($`n"} # top level directories
if ($folder.folders.count -gt 0 ){ # If there are subfolders
if($firstrun -eq $false){
$prefix=" "+$prefix # preffix padding
$folder.folders |sort -property name| %{ get-MailboxFolder $_ $prefix $search} #recursivity
# No subfolder
if($folder.folders.count -eq 0 -and $firstrun -eq $false){$script:output=$script:output+"$prefix$($`n"}
# Start outlook
$o=New-Object -ComObject outlook.application
if($mailbox -ne $null){
$bal=$ns.Folders |?{$ -match $mailbox}
$bal=$ns.Folders.Item(1) # select the default mail account // you can let $bal=$ns.Folders to search through all accounts
write-host "Account selected = $($"
$bal.folders|sort -property name |%{
write-progress -activity "Searching, please wait" -currentoperation "$($" -percentcomplete $percent
get-MailboxFolder $_ $prefix $folder $true
if(($folder -ne $null) -and ($folder -ne "")){ # are we searching ?
if ($find.count -eq 0){write-host "No folder *$folder* could be found"}
else{write-host "The term *$folder* was found in : ";$find}
else{$script:output} # display tree